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Hallym President 2023 New Year's Message

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  • Writer Global Engagement Center
  • 작성일 22.12.30

Hallym President Choi Yanghee 2023 New Year's Message

Dear Hallym University family, 

The New Year has dawned. I sincerely wish everyone a year full of happiness.
 Looking back, the past year has been eventful. Pandemic levels have repeatedly increased and decreased, but citizens have come together with a sense of community to overcome the crisis. The university also switched to 100% face-to-face teaching from the fall semester, and our education system was quickly stabilized. This was possible because of the understanding and cooperation of all members of Hallym. I would like to take this opportunity to express my congratulations to everyone who worked together in overcoming the problems created by COVID-19.

 Hallym University has achieved many noteworthy achievements in 2022. With the passing of the Ministry of Education's evaluation and certification and the further development of the LINC 3.0 project, Hallym University's educational environment innovation has been equipped with an important platform. In the Global University Rankings (THE), Hallym University's domestic university ranking rose 4 places (28th → 24th). Research achievements and research fund performance have also improved, and large-scale national projects such as the RLRC selected in 2022, the basic research laboratory support project, and the medical artificial intelligence convergence talent training project have changed the research environment of Hallym University from individual-oriented small-scale projects to large collective projects. It is a good indication of a developing trend.
 In 2022, there was a lot of good news for the students of Hallym University. News of awards continued, such as Ssireum Club (씨름) members winning the top prize in the country and SW students prize at the SW Convergence Hackathon. Athletes from the Department of Physical Education also performed well in various competitions. Above all, the graduate employment rate has risen by more than 3% even under the difficult COVID-19 environment, and the quality of employment is also improving. The enrollment rate for freshmen surprised everyone by reaching 100%, and this trend will continue in 2023. We are deeply grateful to all who have contributed to this success.
 Last year will go down in history as the first year in which labor-management harmony was achieved above all else. I am grateful that the members who silently lead Hallym University came together to show a consensus in trying to stabilize and develop the working environment in the workplace.
 Celebrating the New Year today, the purpose of summarizing the achievements of the past year is not to settle for this, but to design an even better New Year based on these.
 Dear Hallym family members,

 The surrounding environment is very challenging for Hallym to pursue only stability. The global environment, such as the US-China conflict, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, North Korea's provocations, Europe and Japan's struggle to revive their economies, is moving toward extreme competition in which each country is willing to sacrifice its allies for its own interests. Accordingly, the domestic and international economic downturn is expected to continue at least throughout the New Year.
 In Korea, many companies and institutions are all-in on short-term survival strategies due to the unstable political environment, declining birth rate, and prevalence of regional self-centeredness.
 Universities are no exception. A declining population, lack of finance, increased competition, and job polarization are hitting many higher education institutions, and the government is preparing an exit strategy to clean up failing universities.
 But a crisis is an opportunity for some. Sticking to a survival strategy to avoid a crisis is only a short-term prescription. The crisis gives us an opportunity to look back and see if the system is not breaking down due to the accumulation of principles damaged by inertia, custom, collective egotism, and compromise over time. The crisis provides us with an opportunity to honestly examine, evaluate, and analyze everything. Based on this, if we establish a new development strategy and pursue it steadily, the crisis will change into an opportunity for us to leap forward.
 So I ask everyone. What does Hallym mean to us? What goals, principles, standards, policies, and strategies are desirable. I would like to recheck the basics with the participation of all members of Hallym. With the principles and strategies confirmed by this, in 2023, we want to create a “New Hallym from the ground up.” I want to lay the true cornerstone of “The New Hallym,” which I have always talked about since the beginning of my inauguration.
 Hallym University is facing a more positive environment than ever before to achieve innovation and leap forward. Ilsong Foundation, which established our university and continuously and passionately supports it, has become a model for all private universities in Korea. Chairman Dr. Yoon Dae-Won entrusted me with all the authority and duties of the university, always emphasizing the philosophy of “support but not interfere”. I am acutely aware of the heavy burden, and I want to repay the foundation's infinite support by focusing more on university development and innovation.
 The local communities in Gangwon-do and Chuncheon are more friendly to Hallym University than ever before. The level of communication, cooperation, and mutual understanding has risen significantly among not only local governments and public institutions, but also the media, local businesses, private organizations, and the self-employed. Hallym University is a university that grows together with the region.
 A warm wind is also blowing from the central government. Movements to strengthen support for local universities, expand autonomy, and improve regulations are becoming visible. Furthermore, when Gangwon Province is officially launched as special self-governing province in June 2023, better opportunities are expected for everyone in the region.
 Dear Hallym University members,
 In 2023, Hallym will pursue various new initiatives under the slogan of “The New Hallym”. Today, I will briefly introduce just a few.
 First of all, we will provide professors with a new research environment and a wide range of opportunities for their work. By improving the in-school research fund support system, anyone can easily take on the challenge of individual research. By starting the Mighty Hallym 4.0 Campus (MHC) program anew, we will promote group research by professors, discover representative majors, and support them to become a symbol of Hallym.
 General, special, and online graduate schools are largely grouped under one governance to innovate the research environment and activate cooperative convergence research. We will also expand the opening of an online one-year master's course to help Hallym spread across the country.
 In addition, the Doheon Academy, Medical Bio Convergence Research Institute, and AI Convergence Research Institute, which aim to become flagship institutes, will welcome new directors and announce a powerful leap forward.
 Hallym University students,

 Hallym University will promote specific projects in 2023 to complete the education system that helps students grow. The spread of nanodegree to various major courses and the full-scale introduction of self-designed majors will enable students to effectively experience multiple majors. We believe that improving practical English skills through English education reform and fostering top-notch software talent through differentiated coding education will maximize students' individual competitiveness in career selection. We will carefully support various student club activities and expand opportunities for students to experience the local community through internships, practical training, and volunteer work.
 The Hallym University campus is renowned for its beauty in all four seasons. In addition to this, we will expand the Hallym University campus from the foot of Mt. Bongui in Chuncheon to all over the city and also to the online cyber space. The New Hallym will develop into a meta-environment that transcends time and space. In cooperation with Chuncheon City and Gangwon Province, Hallym University will be at the center of an educational city and a university city.
 Standing at the center of the social ecosystem, Hallym University should also play a central role in entrepreneurship. To this end, under the leadership of the Industry-University Cooperation Foundation, a new start-up ecosystem in which the Gangwon Creative Economy Innovation Center and technology holding companies will participate will be created, which will play an important role in The New Hallym.
 Dear and respected Hallym family members,
 2023 will be a very important year for us. At a time when most are concerned about survival, we attempt a new launch toward a new goal: The New Hallym.
 What you need to turn a crisis into an opportunity is faith in success and trust in each other. Above all, as the president, I believe in the sincerity of Hallym members.
 Let's take a step towards the future together.
 I wish the members of the Hallym family and their families full of happiness and love throughout the year 2023.

Thank You

 January 1st, 2023
 Hallym University President Choi Yanghee